Monday 27th January 2025

If you were watching Michael McIntyre on Saturday, you would have seen Peter. Peter is an 81-year-old gentleman whose wife has dementia (she has subsequently died). Peter has gone to see her every day and while there has sung to her and the other people on the ward. Peter said he hoped to give them a lift with his singing. Peter was the unexpected star of the show, and he sang at the end of the programme the song “Smile”. It would not be a surprise to know that Jean had a tear in her eye and so did I. It was a beautiful moment and a tribute to both Peter and his wife.

If you are reading this, you must have survived the weather on Friday. It was scary at times, and I hope that your house and gardens survived too. Paul and I have managed to get two funding applications submitted this week and because I was in all day on Friday, I have been able to write an application to Awards for All which is the National Lottery fund in Scotland.

We had some great Music Memories sessions this week as well as a visit to All singing and dancing, a group for those with additional needs. To call it inspiring is an understatement. I also managed to secure more work going forward with a Day Centre in Leith which is wonderful.

No one would believe that January is supposed to be a quite month!

In the words of my mate John “dementia doesn’t take time

off”. With that in mind then we seek to offer different types of support at different times to different people. We found a song this week sung by the Fisherman friends’ choir; it is called “The Union of Different Kinds”. It is a great song and suits us at Forget Me Notes so well, we celebrate the fact that we are all different and that when we respect each other’s differences, enabling each person to reach the best version of themselves as possible, then we build the best Forget Me Notes that is possible to achieve.

If you have been on Eventbrite to get Ceilidh tickets for Friday and found that there isn’t any left don’t worry - by tomorrow there will be another twenty tickets available.

Hope to see some of you on Friday evening. Have a great week.