music memories
Music Memories sessions use music and singing to help people tell their stories and express themselves. We deliver sessions in care homes and other community settings. Singing together demonstrates how music can enhance relationships between people: staff providing care are offered a different way of seeing and interacting with people they are supporting, while those receiving care can find a sense of balance and power in these relationships that they may not find in other forms of communication.
If you are interested in what these sessions can do for you and you are a provider or volunteer and could work with us, then please get in touch. We also have a number of ‘open’ sessions where anybody is welcome to come and join in, so why not come along and experience it for yourself!
St. Bride’s - every Monday 10.45-11.45am
St. Brides Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace, EH11 2DZ
Music, Memories & Cake! - 1st & 3rd Monday of the month 2.00-3.00pm
St. Cuthbert’s Episcopal Church, Colinton Road, EH13 0BB
Ashbrook - 1st & 3rd Friday of the month 11.00-12.00
Ashbrook, 492 Ferry Road, EH5 2DL